Introducing a new member to the Acheron Series, the Isonade:
Never heard of it? Yeah, me neither.
I wanted to add some kind of shark people to my Acheron collection, but they are supposed to be mythical creatures and I couldn't think of any mythical shark monsters. There are Lusca, but they are half octopus, not quite what I wanted. I could maybe get away with Megalodons, but it's a little low energy compared to dragons and jackalopes and such.
So I looked up mythical shark creatures. I was surprised by how few there are out there, but eventually I ran into the Isonade, a yokai shark with hooks all over its body that it uses to snag fishermen and drag them into the water to drown and eat them. \m/ Metal! \m/
I was worried that covering them with hooks would make them less attractive, but holy shit, the opposite happened. These sharks are hot. It works, but I'm not sure why it works, maybe it's kinda like goth/punk spiky jewelry.
Should I be concerned that I'm super attracted to a demon shark that drowns and eats people? Should I even be surprised by this anymore? Hope you like them.
I should be able to put Isonades up for sale later this week. But I do have Sea Serpents up for sale right now:
which is actually what made me want to make shark people. I have some promotional artwork done too, but I want to wait until I've got the Clean version up for sale as well. I might wait until the weekend too, I've noticed that midweek uploads don't get as much love. For now, you can check them out in the default previews. Likes and views are always helpful.