Several new projects are currently in the works of varying priority:
#1 Universal Beat 'em Up Engine - c72c6bef0b072c832d287350e6affb - (Shift, Z, X for now) Code named "El Putador", this project is designed to create a reusable brawler engine that I can use to quickly alter graphics and move sets to create completely new brawlers without needing to start from scratch each time. The first game will use some of the races from the Diabolical Dungeons of Dr. Devil. (As of this post, only Barbarian and Mutant have Z attacks, Goblins and Slimes will get theirs in the future)
#2 Alloy Tengu 3 - A sequel to Alloy Tengu 2. The problem is that anything that really make the game more interesting, like a shop or squadron manager would require making menus and menus are a giant PAIN IN THE ASS to make with Flixel. However, the Alloy Tengu formula still has loads of unlocked potential and as soon as I figure out what to do, I'll make it happen again.
#3 4X Fever - a5845c9c302374d48deb164d5d3aa3 - This is a simple little proof of concept "engine" that I threw together in a few hours today. If you don't know what a 4X game is, check Wikipedia. I've always wanted to make a simple 4X game, but I'm not sure that I really want to deal with the necessary AI right now. It's also very likely that i would use either the UBE or Alloy Tengu for combat, since they already exist and are probably more fun than whatever dice-rolling system I'd come up with otherwise.
#4 Rogue-likes - Sure, I can make Rogue-likes. Who says I can't? What's it to you?