Things have been going slowly, but I now have a playable demo of the next iteration of Super Defense Force. This one has simple graphics so that I can focus on the gameplay without reservations. Right now, only Martialist is playable.
Arrow Keys = Move; F = Jump; D = A-Attack; S = B-Attack;
Press right, right or left, left rapidly (>>) to dash. You can dash in midair, or jump while dashing to jump forward.
Different attack variations are available depending on whether you attack from a neutral stance, while dashing, while pressing backwards, while airborne or airdashing or by holding down the attack button. (The current character can also attack by pressing F+S simoultaneously) Some attacks cost "psy", which is represented by the 3rd, purple bar beneath your character. Psy is accumulated when you hit, or get hit by an opponent, and depleted when you use a psy-attack.
Guarding happens automatically when attacked from a neutral stance. Chance of guarding successfully is represented by the 2nd, blueish bar beneath your character. Some characters will be able to counter by pressing an attack button quickly after guarding. This feature is a bit unfinished.
You can challenge AI Marty in various degrees of difficulty.
Easy - cannot dash, jump or use psy; slower movement and attack speed; 1/8 player HP
Medium - cannot use psy; 1/4 player HP
Hard - 3/8 player HP
Extreme - infinite psy; 1/2 player HP
In a real game setting, these different versions would represent thugs and bosses and so forth. I could also introduce additional powers like infinite guarding, faster speed, more HP or combinations thereof.