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I like it. It reminds me of the Infectonator series. I hope to see some sequels in the future.

I don't like to do a lot of repetitive clicking like this, as it hurts my finger. I would prefer to use the clicks for once-in-a-while kind of powers like using potions, giving commands or some kind of big attack, like the "bombs" in shoot 'em ups. Or you could use the mouse power to hurt or heal by just hovering over the target instead of clicking. It could pick up items too, it seemed a little tedious to wait for the characters to grab the items after clearing a dungeon.

I recognize the Dungeon Crawl graphics and they make me wish for more Dungeon Crawl features, like branching dungeons or more race/class options or more bosses. It's good to feel like there's always more to discover.

The Shader felt very glitchy and hard to look at.

laFunk responds:

Thanks! I'll look at some auto-clicking feature! You can disable the shader on the pause screen. Cheers!

Too much pink

Playing the MLP theme song in the background is a bad touch; the one part of the show I don't like is anytime there's singing. (it's also probably illegal) Try just using something quizzical sounding from NG Audio.

Rather than starting over when a question is wrong, it would be better to keep score (like say at the end 4/10 correct or whatever) or 3 strikes you're out.

Also making everything pink is kind of annoying. Some pink is okay, but only having 3 colors in the entire thing is kind of a drag.

who-of-who responds:

Yeah, I've fixed that, it's a lot better and its got a better song now :)

Don't use SpaceBar

FOR GODS SAKES, DEVELOPERS, DON'T USE THE SPACEBAR! Flash can't handle spacebar presses well and it messes up the keys if you try to press them both at the same time. Use Z instead.

As for game, it's okay. Not bad, not fantastic. I enjoyed the NGesque background.

Gemeai responds:

well .. i didn't know that but i wont use the space bar on my next game

Pretty cool

Cool concept, very funny. Could be more challenging, but it's not too easy either.

MacadamiaGames responds:


It's not bad

You're a much better artist that most of the crap dress-ups that find their way here.

Problem with all of these games is there's not much point in flipping through all the styles because the girls always look best in their underwear...

MrAbbot responds:

I agree skin can be very pretty :D Thanks fort he art compliment.

Ehh, it's not bad...

Would be fun with an online high-score. Great style and everything, but there's nothing to do.

chunkielover53 responds:

Does have online high scores, but they're currently only on Kongregate (using the Kongregate statistics API). There's a chance I'll implement other, in-game scores, but since this was just a 5-day project for EGP anyway, I doubt it unless popularity soars.

Cool Idea

This is a cool idea for a game. So cool, I might have to make my own....

You're on the right track, but sound is a must (just go to Flashkit or something). Your graphics for people, plants, globs, etc. are good enough, but the planets themselves are kinda icky looking. You might want to try just one picture of the planet from space and then use a rectangular world map while running the game.

neverzonegaming responds:

ive added soud now lol
ps i love your pong game

I love Beat 'em Ups

I automatically love it because it's a beat 'em up. Though, as indicated by everyone else, it could be better. A little health restore before the boss fight would be nice.

vegetable-insanity responds:

glad you liked it, thanks for the score. Health restore before the boss: i'll add it to my " to do" list. I'll make an update with the sugestions people made.

Not on my watch

School projects do not belong on NewGrounds. You might do well in your class, but I'm not your teacher and I don't give a shit. I personally don't even like it as an interface, the sounds are annoying and the buttons are bland, but if you're still learning, you're still learning.

Keep up the good work if you must, but keep it up somewhere else.

tuan69 responds:

lol Thanks for taking the time to watch it anyway. :)

Needs more

It's a decent idea, but you need a lot more stuff for it to be entertaining. Maybe experiment with some particles.

rhys510 responds:

its based on a music video so i cant put in particles
sorry :/

A dark creature of the underworld, sent to raise havoc in the human realm. Also enjoys playing/making video games.

Age 37, Male

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