A dark creature of the underworld, sent to raise havoc in the human realm. Also enjoys playing/making video games.

Age 38, Male

Ace the SuperVillain

The Underworld

Joined on 1/17/10

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2,006 / 2,180
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AcetheSuperVillain's News

Posted by AcetheSuperVillain - September 9th, 2019




I'm making some new outfits that are kinda based on RPGMaker characters. Way, way back in my 3D plans, I thought about making RPG Maker characters in 3D. More recently, I've been struggling to come up with outfit ideas that I like, so I thought I'd try the RPGM outfits for the Acheron Series. It's nice to start with RPGM for inspiration, but I still want to make them different enough that are definitely mine.

I don't know how many I'll do. MV and 2003 had a lot of designs I liked, although I felt like MV could be sexier.


Posted by AcetheSuperVillain - September 6th, 2019






I was originally going to make a more D&D or WoW style Rogue, but I didn't like what I came up with, so I did a Final Fantasy style Thief instead. I'll probably give the Rogue another try later, but for now, I want to get some useful core classes ready.


Posted by AcetheSuperVillain - August 22nd, 2019

'Sup followers.

I was hoping to be able to release a new CG collection every week, but it looks like I'm probably not going to make it this time. So instead, here's a preview of some of the things I've got half done.

Let's start with something out of the ordinary, this fine fellow:


I've actually been thinking about making my own line of fake pokemon, because come on, who hasn't? and it occurred to me recently that I actually have all the skills I need to totally do that. The more realistic use would be for RPG monsters though, so I started with this guy, an Eyebat. He has a quick and lazy construction and I'm a little worried that it might have been a little too lazy for a starting point. But he's definitely going to get to fuck some girls in a CG collection at some point.


I made the beginnings of this scene a while ago, and recently I've been thinking about coming back to it. I've been wanting to try something a little more interesting with the CG collections, so I was thinking of writing a little story to go along with this one. Nothing fancy, I think basically this new girl has started working in your section of the space ship and you go to talk to her. I don't know if it'll actually be a second person story or if I'll make some sort of alien lover boy (or girl) that meets her. I was thinking that Eyebat might be her boyfriend, but I'm not sure if he's alien looking enough, so I might save him for something more blatantly fantasy.


Working on outfits for the medieval brawler, or to sell on CGT. I have a bunch of good ones, but I don't feel like I have a very complete collection, so there are a few holes I want to fill before shipping it. Honestly, I'm getting a little tired of making models that no one buys, so I've been prioritizing the CG collections instead.


I've got a Thief outfit almost completely done to go along with my Knight and Wizard. I've had this for a while and I've been procrastinating because I hate uploading items. Making the display materials is a major pain in the ass. So as soon as I get over it and just do it, Thieves are pretty close to being ready.


Also making an axe moveset for that medieval brawler game I showed you. I decided to use Slime instead of Gryphon for these animations to change things up, but I don't want to mess with tentacles yet, so I gave her normal hands.


I've actually got several CG collections halfway started. Besides the alien, this bath-house scene is coming along well. It's really hard to line up body parts, but hopefully that will be more fun to watch, and it's good practice for me.


I've also met a programmer who wants to try making a sports eroge dating sim, which may or may not involve a snobby exhibitionist cheerleader raptor girl. This project is but a gleam in our eyes at this point, but I'm excited about the possibility.

In other news, I'm transitioning into a new dayjob that will have a higher base pay and less overtime, so hopefully will give me more energy and time to work on naughty anthro art. But I'm trying to go full-on senioritis at my current as I serve out my two weeks notice, and I'm sure learning the new job will be difficult until I get used to it, so I don't expect to be swimming in sunshine anytime soon.

If you'd like to help me out during this time, you can always buy some goddamned artwork from GumRoad or 3D models from CGTrader or the Acheron Series website. Likes, comments and views on CGT are also helpful.


Posted by AcetheSuperVillain - August 11th, 2019

Hello gang, same deal as last week, I've got a new collection ready to ship, you can buy it now, and I'll have some sample artwork up on Thur or Fri when people see it more.






If this is new to you, check out some of my previous Eroge-styles on Gumroad:











And there's other stuff at https://gumroad.com/acethesupervillain

And you can buy these character models to make your own artwork or games:

Store: https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?author=AcetheSuperVillain&adult_content=1

Preview Site: https://acheronseries3d.weebly.com/

If you'd like to influence my next Eroge-Style collection, I am taking requests through the forums https://www.newgrounds.com/bbs/topic/1443661

In order to keep these collections quick and profitable, there are a few rules for requests on the forum page. If you have a partial request, that's fine, I can fill in the gaps or combine it with someone else's partial request. I hope to hear from you.



Posted by AcetheSuperVillain - August 2nd, 2019





I will be uploading a preview image to the Art section sometime next week. I've noticed that things I upload on Thursday or Friday get more views, so I'm going to wait for the next weekend to roll around for that. But the product is ready tonight, so you special buddies who follow my profile can get it right now!

You can also check out my previous products at https://gumroad.com/acethesupervillain

In other news, I've made an update to my Acheron Series Anu Sinom race: https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/character/fantasy/acheron-anu-sinom-nude





Posted by AcetheSuperVillain - July 25th, 2019

After much work and bug hunting, I finally have something I can show off.

I'm working on a twin stick brawler engine. My hope is that this will eventually be suitable for any setting, but for the moment it is medieval themed. It is meant to be like the good ol' beat 'em ups like Golden Axe and River City Ransom, but I decided to use twin stick controls because I've noticed that newer players can get confused by the old side-scrolling format and since it's 3D, I don't have that graphical limitation anyways.

There's obviously lots of work left to do, particles, sound, title screens, more characters and whatnot. I'm not sure yet whether I want to make a complete game or just a game engine to put on sale for other developers. As such, I'd be very interested to hear what other developers would like from an engine like this.



Posted by AcetheSuperVillain - July 2nd, 2019






Tada! 5 new races for your 3D project pleasure. We are getting into some of the weirder ones, so allow me to explain. Amphisbaena were 2-headed snakes, one on each end, that became more dragonic in the middle ages. Outsiders are classic space aliens, but I tried to frame it in a way that you could use them in fantasy settings if you want, like D&D's githyanki or WoW's Dranei. Isonades are yokai sharks covered in hooks and barbs that drag people into the ocean. Enfields are Irish fox-gryphons/fox-chimeras, really super obscure, but people seem to like foxes, so why not. And Acheron Slimes are meant to be a middle-of-the-road version that could work as fantasy rpg slimes or sci-fi horror blob monster.

!!!Nudity Warning!!!




https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/character/sci-fi/acheron-outsider-clean (except this one)



CGTrader seems to have changed the way it presents models, so now the nude versions are really difficult to find on the site. If you like what you see and want to check out the full line of Acheron Series Nude Characters, use this link: https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models?author=AcetheSuperVillain&adult_content=1 You need to log in to view nudity, but you can do so with your Google or FaceBook account. It's a little extra work to make the clean versions, I want to do it, but I feel pretty modeled out, so it will take some time. If you want a specific clean version, message me on NG or CGT and I can get it done for you.

Posted by AcetheSuperVillain - June 25th, 2019




I recently discovered this new shader technique of using Normal mapped textures. Above are some examples. It's very easy to set up, but there are also limitations to it. If there are any Blender fans following along, I'd be interested to swap notes and try to improve on this technique.


Posted by AcetheSuperVillain - June 18th, 2019

Introducing a new member to the Acheron Series, the Isonade:


Never heard of it? Yeah, me neither.

I wanted to add some kind of shark people to my Acheron collection, but they are supposed to be mythical creatures and I couldn't think of any mythical shark monsters. There are Lusca, but they are half octopus, not quite what I wanted. I could maybe get away with Megalodons, but it's a little low energy compared to dragons and jackalopes and such.

So I looked up mythical shark creatures. I was surprised by how few there are out there, but eventually I ran into the Isonade, a yokai shark with hooks all over its body that it uses to snag fishermen and drag them into the water to drown and eat them. \m/ Metal! \m/

I was worried that covering them with hooks would make them less attractive, but holy shit, the opposite happened. These sharks are hot. It works, but I'm not sure why it works, maybe it's kinda like goth/punk spiky jewelry.

Should I be concerned that I'm super attracted to a demon shark that drowns and eats people? Should I even be surprised by this anymore? Hope you like them.

I should be able to put Isonades up for sale later this week. But I do have Sea Serpents up for sale right now:



which is actually what made me want to make shark people. I have some promotional artwork done too, but I want to wait until I've got the Clean version up for sale as well. I might wait until the weekend too, I've noticed that midweek uploads don't get as much love. For now, you can check them out in the default previews. Likes and views are always helpful. https://www.cgtrader.com/3d-models/character/fantasy/acheron-sea-serpent-nude




Posted by AcetheSuperVillain - June 12th, 2019

I noticed that my Nekomata model gets a lot of views, but no sales so far. The face has always bothered me anyways, so I decided to give it an upgrade.



